Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Positive & negative impacts of portable devices.

                                                            Positive Impacts

One- Easy communication: Portable devices like cell phone and other pagers made easy to communicate. There is a great impact on people's life.These devices are developing everyday. So in future there will be many jobs related to this technology. In the past people was charged $5-10 just to make one call. Now its only 50cent or less. There were no international calls available but now everyday at least 100 international are made. Due to this technology people are benefited.

Two- Its a good entertaining device. People in this modern world do everything alone. These devices  gives company. Mostly teenagers are using these devices everyday than the adults. It has become a part of their life. Teenagers mostly use it for entertainment. To them its a great device. People who travels in bus, train etc uses these devices as a entertainer.

                                                            Negative Impacts

One: To charge a portable device a lot of energy is used and to transform an energy costs a lot. People these days doesn't really think about these stuffs but lots of energy is wasted just to create electricity. It has become a part of our life. People don't think why everything is working and who is making it work. It also has a great impact on the nature. Most of the natural resources are used to create electricity. Texting  has become a part of life mostly for teenagers. But it makes people forget how to communicate face to face.

Two: These things keep people busy. But socializing face to face is falling apart from human behavior. Now a days mostly teenagers or school students doesn't talk to their friends in school. They said that they are better on texting. These devices are bringing change in human life. These devices are doing good for people as well as bad for people.

1 comment:

  1. Like the fact you point out the impact of using portable devices on the environment.
