Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Positive & negative impacts of portable devices.

                                                            Positive Impacts

One- Easy communication: Portable devices like cell phone and other pagers made easy to communicate. There is a great impact on people's life.These devices are developing everyday. So in future there will be many jobs related to this technology. In the past people was charged $5-10 just to make one call. Now its only 50cent or less. There were no international calls available but now everyday at least 100 international are made. Due to this technology people are benefited.

Two- Its a good entertaining device. People in this modern world do everything alone. These devices  gives company. Mostly teenagers are using these devices everyday than the adults. It has become a part of their life. Teenagers mostly use it for entertainment. To them its a great device. People who travels in bus, train etc uses these devices as a entertainer.

                                                            Negative Impacts

One: To charge a portable device a lot of energy is used and to transform an energy costs a lot. People these days doesn't really think about these stuffs but lots of energy is wasted just to create electricity. It has become a part of our life. People don't think why everything is working and who is making it work. It also has a great impact on the nature. Most of the natural resources are used to create electricity. Texting  has become a part of life mostly for teenagers. But it makes people forget how to communicate face to face.

Two: These things keep people busy. But socializing face to face is falling apart from human behavior. Now a days mostly teenagers or school students doesn't talk to their friends in school. They said that they are better on texting. These devices are bringing change in human life. These devices are doing good for people as well as bad for people.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Legal & Ethical issues for using a computer.

Music and video downloading: It has become a big issue, downloading music and video files over internet. The companies who creates the files are the people who suffers piracy because of hackers. Piracy is a stolen version of any file. People usually buy one original file and upload it on internet for others to use. Some people makes money through these stuffs. The law for this stealing or piracy is really strict but according to the police it is hard to catch everyone because almost everyone is using the pirated files as it is expensive to buy.

Spyware: Spyware are like malware. They are mainly used to hack other computers information. It is installed secretly and hard to detect. Its a software made by the hackers to access the information on others computer without using it directly.

Phishing: It a process of stealing information from others computer. Information like username, passwords, credit card numbers etc. According to the law its a crime. It is usually carried by instant message or emails. AOL has suffered through phishing in its early days.The hackers or the phishing creators had a great opportunity as the security of the companies wasn't good enough to catch them. Advancing technology also developed the phishing system.

Identity theft: It means to access other peoples resources or to obtain credit card and other advantages in that person's name without being authorized. It has been a big issue over the last few years. Companies which has the access to others account or other's resources can possibly do this identity theft. Some new companies are usually related to this kind of fraud. They offer many things to attract customers which causes the customers to use it and being a target of identity theft.

Cyber Bullying: Cyber bullying has a been a big issue since 1996(source-internet). It changed many people's life in a bad way. Cyber Bullying means to bully some one over internet. In this advanced technology world it is almost impossible to catch every single person who starts cyber bullying. Some people even committed suicide due cyber bullying by class mates. Every now and then someone is being cyber bullied. According to the law its a crime and who ever reports cyber bully is charged fines or has to face the law.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Adaptive Technologies

Text to speech: Text to speech is a software made by Microsoft for better understanding of the people who has eye sight problem. It was mainly made for the people who's eye sight is weak or the people who can't see. It generally converts text into spoken language. Usually the software comes with operating system for people to access computer easily. All the words are prerecorded in the software. So whenever it gets any text to convert, it plays from the prerecorded voices.

Virtual Keyboard: It is a software used instead of a keyboard which can do all the works on a regular keyboard. It is usually a on screen keyboard operated by the user. People use this software if they are having problem with their keyboard. Generally this software is included in the operating system but there are other softwares which has extended options in it.

Image Magnifier: Image magnifier is a software for people who has weak eye sight. The software makes the screen bigger where the mouse is inverted. It generally increases the resolution using printing and optics technology for better details in the file. Different size can be selected from the software. Windows or Microsoft usually has its own software pre-installed in the operating system. People with disabilities can find this software very useful and it is easy to access.

Did you know?

Q1: What is your overall reaction to the presentation?
Ans: If this situation is going on in future then there might be a lots of problems getting jobs.

Q2: How does this affect you as a computer science/studies student?
Ans: This increasing population means its gonna double in future so there is a huge possibility of less jobs and better life.

Q3: How this affect you in general?
Ans: This increasing population means more competition and hard work. If there are less jobs comparing to the population then I have to work more hard to get better education and get a job in a good post.

Q4: How this affect your future?
Ans: Future depends on the job and education. As there will be more competition there is less chance of having a better and luxurious life.

Q5: How this affect schools/education?
Ans: The education system needs to be changed if there is lack of proper education. Due to huge number of students the schools might change their way of teaching and also new things should be taught as the technology is developing day by day.